Monday, August 24, 2009

In The Beginning...

So here it is... another blog. How do hockey and metal mix, exactly? Well, both involve skill, speed and a kind of ferocity that differs from the other styles of sports and music. So we will see if we can't put together a little something that may turn some hockey fans into metalheads and vice versa. We are looking for people to contribute to this blog, both hockey and metal writers (preference will be given those who can write both, though). I would like to see writers who are focused hockey-wise on specific teams (no bias here, I have my other blog for my team of choice). So drop me an email at waachcast at and let me know why you think you would be a great part of the team. I would like some background on your writing experience (links, samples, etc.), your team, and musical preferences. Cheers.
